GINKGO – A network for climate and global ecosystem modelling

GINKGO is an initiative that aims at bundling activities in research on climate and land biosphere. It is born from the observation that although vegetation and soil is increasingly recognized as an important part of the climate system, there is a need to foster scientific and technological exchange across institutions in the research community.
GINKGO is meant to stimulate, support and coordinate the development of a Next Generation Land Component within Earth System Models. Despite progress in recent years, the representation of important processes in the land components of these models is still in its infancy and inadequately controlled by observations. Areas of developments are for example interconnections between above- and below ground processes, such as the active role of soils for carbon cycling, which shape hydrological conditions and the processing of nutrients; but also the extent to which biodiversity has to be taken into account when addressing the stability and adaptability of vegetation under climate change conditions. Next to the need to refine methodologies for evaluating vegetation and land surface models, and to improve strategies for model-data synthesis, new developments are needed to benefit from the surge in AI-based data analysis methods for model development.
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Contact Us
Please send any feedback that you have on the GINGKO-Network to Sönke Zaehle and/or Phillip Papastefanou.